60s romance comics titles such as “Daughter of Women’s Lib” and “The Only One for Me” feature protagonists contemplating feminist ideas. Meanwhile, “Full Hands Empty Heart” and “Chuck and Margo Saga” showcase bold attempts to portray interracial marriages for the first time in response to the Loving v. Virginia case, which outlawed race-based legal restrictions on marriage. This animated documentary short then examines how midcentury American romance comics, rooted in conservative values, reflect the spirit of progression and revolution in the context of the '60s counterculture.

Xate is an extremely important export for Guatemala and Belize. Many people gather the palm fronds from the forest for sale in the international floral industry. The export of xate contributes over a million dollars to the Guatemalan economy each year. Over 30 million fronds are exported to the United States and Canada each year for Palm Sunday alone (Rainforest Alliance)! This documentary short follows Maria as she navigates her life as a Xatera, a wife, and a mother in the community of Uaxactun.